22 maggio 2022

IUNO continues the investigation into selvatico with a project imagined with Giulia Mangoni, which aims to deepen the link between inside and outside, the domestic and wild dimension, which involves a walk and a series of activities in the countryside surrounding the artist's house in Isola del Liri, her hometown.

The itinerary consists of four guided stages, corresponding to four thematic nuclei.

The first stop is dedicated to the villa and its gardens. The autobiographic tale of the artist introduces her family history in which the wild and the feminine seem eternally connected in mutual support. Giulia Mangoni's intervention is also an opportunity to reflect on the economic and social subordination relationships underlying ancient models of territorial management, based on the sharecropping system.

Next, the walk continues up to the donkey enclosure, the second stage, designed as an observation of local plants and creatures, starting with the donkey from the Lepini Mountains housed in the enclosure, one of the few specimens of the breed that survived extinction.
Each participant is invited to reproduce on paper the animal and plant species present through the sole use of shrubs and iron-gall ink, a pigment created for the occasion by James Hillman and obtained from oak galls, nut - like growths produced by some species of trees. Drawing thus becomes a properly cognitive method, a means of representing the landscape using the same elements that compose it.

The discovery and protection of native fauna are the subject of the third stage. Roberto Dalia, founder of Il Gallo Larino, an educational farm that deals with the protection of native animals in danger of extinction, leads us to the enclosure that houses some specimens of Ancona hen and Quadricorna sheep, two species raised on his farm. The meeting with Dalia is intended to be the starting point for a series of reflections on the wild as a rural dimension to be rediscovered and protected. In this sense, the artistic practice of Giulia Mangoni can be read as a potential instrument for knowing and enhancing unique local features.

Crossing the wisteria pergola, the walk will reach a large table, set for a lunch consisting of typical local products. The hall of the villa houses some works by the artist that provide an additional level of reading and interpretation of what has just been seen.

After lunch, we will proceed to a water source located in a cave not far from the main building. Providing an ideal closing the dialogue that began with the female figures of the Mangoni family, the last stage includes an intervention by Rita Zaccardelli (medievalist and friend of the artist) aimed at rediscovering the links, traceable since ancient times, between the sacred, the feminine, and the aquatic.
Once the cars have been reached, it is possible to continue the visit by proceeding towards Isola del Liri for a short stop in the town.

Viale Piscicelli 93, Isola del Liri (FR), 03036

Sunday 22 May

From 10.30 – 15.00

Adults 20 €
Children 10 €


The participation fee includes a donation of 10 € to Il Gallo Larino.
For more information see:


Image Giulia Mangoni, Paesaggio con Galline Ancona (diptych), 2021, acrylic on canvas, 2 x 1.5 m
courtesy APALAZZOGALLERY, photo by Melania Dalle Grave from DSL Studio

Giulia Mangoni (Isola del Liri, 1991) is an Italian-Brazilian artist whose practice revolves around the ethics of return; she is interested in creating orchestrated interventions through the lens of painting in order to deconstruct notions of memory and identity linked to specific geographies and decentralized communities. Her work develops through visual methods of personal narration, often the result of a dialogue with several voices, whose influences, relationships, and contributions help to create works that temporarily solidify this process of knowledge and world building in continuous evolution.
Negli ultimi anni, Mangoni ha partecipato a mostre a livello nazionale e internazionale, tra cui: Bits & Cream. Metabolizzazione d’Archivio, ArtNoble gallery, Milano; From the Island of Liri, mostra personale a cura di Juliana Leandra presso Dreambox Lab, New York; Ladder to The Moon presso Monitor Gallery, Roma; VIVERE DI PAESAGGIO, a cura di Mirta di Argenzio presso APALAZZO gallery, Brescia; Zeitgeber (donatore di tempo) presso ArtNoble gallery, Milano, The New AbnormalStraperetana a cura di Saverio Verini.