27 novembre 2022

After by Giulia, the solo exhibition which opened in October,
and I Talismani Fischianti, the workshop for children held in November, IUNO proceeds, along with Giulia Mangoni, in its investigation of the selvatico through Autumn Harvest, a walk led by the artist herself through the countryside around Isola del Liri, which was conceived as the ideal conclusion to her exhibition and workshop based project.
The activity is as a hands-on exploration of the themes developed by Mangoni in the unprecedented series of works exhibited in IUNO's spaces.
In fact, Jerusalem artichoke, a herb of South American origin and the subject of the artist’s recent research and artistic production, will be the focus of a collective moment in which the audience will pick wild herbs that grow in the countryside surrounding the artist's home in Ciociaria.
Accompanied by botanists Francesco Tomaselli and Valentina Vecchio, founders of Fibreno Officinalifarm, participants will be introduced to the history and use of native wild plants endowed with beneficial properties.
After a lunch prepared by cook Margherita Soriani with autumn plant-based ingredients gathered in the same spots the walk is held, Giulia Mangoni will lead Gestalt drawing exercises Gestalt intended to foster creative freedom and the manifestation of a personal wildness selvatico , responding to one's expressive aptitudes.
Alternating between introspective exercises and exploration of the surrounding nature, Autumn Harvest, like Mangoni's works, is intended to constitute a kind of identity or complementarity between outer and inner landscape, between environmental and emotional dimensions.

Giulia Mangoni Giulia Mangoni is an Italian-Brazilian artist whose practice revolves around the ethics of restitution; she is interested in creating interventions orchestrated through the lens of painting in order to deconstruct notions of memory and identity of specific geographies and decentralized communities. Her work is developed through visual modes of personal narrative, often resulting of a multi-voiced dialogue, where different influences, relationships and contributions help to create works that temporally solidify the process of gathering and disseminating knowledge. Currently, Mangoni works on the theme of belonging to a specific territory activating collaborations with artisans, agronomists and breeders of native species, employing the methodology developed through her research in Ciociaria and participating in projects in different regions in contact with the place and its inhabitants.

Nata nel 1991 a Isola del Liri, FR, Mangoni è cresciuta tra Italia e Brasile e ora è tornata a vivere e lavorare nella sua città natale. Mangoni ha un Foundation Degree in Art & Design presso la Falmouth University of the Arts (2011), una laurea in pittura (Hons) da City & Guilds of London Art School (2014) e un MFA dal programma SVA Art Practice a New York City, (2019). Negli ultimi anni, Mangoni ha partecipato a mostre a livello nazionale ed internazionale. Tra le personali: Una Boccata D’Arte, a San Lorenzo Dorsino, Trentino Alto Adige, un progetto di Fondazione Elpis, Galleria Continua e Threes Productions; Bits & Cream. Metabolizzazione d’Archivio, ArtNoble gallery, Milano; From the Island of Liri, Dreambox Lab, New York. Tra le mostre collettive: Ladder to The Moon, Monitor Gallery, Roma; VIVERE DI PAESAGGIO, APALAZZO gallery, Brescia; Zeitgeber (donatore di tempo), ArtNoble gallery, Milano; The New Abnormal, Straperetana, Pereto. Nel 2020 Mangoni ha partecipato al programma di borse di studio presso CASTRO Projects a Roma, con la borsa di studio Scovaventi Italian Fellowship.